The Vayu

Innovation to help you breathe easy




Air·Wear Va·yu


The AirWear Vayu cleans polluted air the wearer breathes and improves the air quality of your shared space. Breathe easy knowing that those unseen pollutants and harmful viruses and bacteria from your environment, friends, and colleagues are filtered to keep yourself and the space safe and healthy.

in·door air pol·lu·tion

/ˈindôr er pəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/

Chemical, biological, and physical contamination of indoor air quality that may result in negative health effects.

“Air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities…studies found levels of about a dozen common organic pollutants to be 2 to 5 times higher…and risks to health may be greater due to exposure to air pollution indoors than outdoors” – EPA 


sick build·ing syn·drome

/sik ˈbildiNG ˈsinˌdrōm/     

  1. a condition affecting office workers, typically marked by headaches and respiratory problems, attributed to unhealthy or stressful factors in the working environment such as poor ventilation.

The estimated productivity decrement caused by SBS symptoms in the office worker population was 2%, with an annual cost of $60 billion. A 20-50% reduction in these symptoms, considered feasible and practical, would bring annual economic benefits of $10 billion to $30 billion.

health·y build·ing

/ˈhelTHē bildiNG/

Supports the physical, psychological, social health, and well-being of people in buildings and the built environment.

Cognitive performance in a healthy environment is, on average, double that of working in a conventional workspace. Supplement or replace your HVAC system with personalized, localized AirWear purification and free your mind.